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Notation related to Specified Commercial Transaction Law

shop's name amenouzume Tencho Onna
representative Kazuaki Ishimizu
address 8-12 Izumiike-cho, Niihama City, Ehime Prefecture 792-0013
telephone number 070-4801-3085
About the price The price is listed on each product page.
about shipping cost Free shipping nationwide
Product delivery time We will ship within 3 business days of your order.
Delivery company post office
Holiday Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, Golden Week, Obon
Payment and payment timing Credit card payment: Payment will be confirmed at the time of ordering.
Bank transfer: The amount will be debited from your account on the specified date and time.
About returns, exchanges, and cancellations Please see the page regarding returns, exchanges, and cancellations.